MCU: STM32F103RBT6 ARM 32-bit CORTEX M3?
Standard JTAG connector with ARM 2x10 pin layout for Programming/Debugging with ARM-JTAG
USB connector
CAN driver and connector
RS-232 driver and connector
UEXT connector
SD-MMC connector
MCU: STM32F103RBT6 ARM 32-bit CORTEX M3?
Standard JTAG connector with ARM 2x10 pin layout for Programming/Debugging with ARM-JTAG
USB mini connector
LCD NOKIA 3310 BW 84x48 pixels
1.5V battery connector with step-up converter
3-axis Accelerometer
SD-MMC card
2.4GHz Transceiver with Nordic nRF24L01
Audio input, Audio output
Two user buttons
Joystick with 4-directions and push action
UEXT connector