The ADIS16334 iSensor? is a complete inertial system that includes a Triaxis Gyroscope and Triaxis Accelerometer
The ADIS16334/PCBZ is a "breakout board," which provides 20-Lead Module with Connector Interface (ADIS16334BMLZ), a flexible cable and one interface PCB to simplify the process of "prototyping" during the early stages of system design and evaluation
The 20-Lead Module with Connector Interface (ADIS16334BMLZ) is a fully-calibrated, MEMS IMU, which provides a serial peripheral interface (SPI) for all digital communications
It provides a dual-row, 24-pin connector interface that minimizes board space but does not support standard ribbon cable connections
The flexible cable and interface PCB provides access to the ADIS16334BMLZ, using dual-row, 12-pin connectors, which supports standard ribbon cable systems and hand-soldering connection techniques
Single Power Supply 4.75 to 5.25V
Module Dimensions 22x33x11 mm with connector interface