A range of wire and cable management accessories with both fixed and adjustable holding diameters for 19in. Cabinets / Enclosures.
The Slit Harness Wrap Clip will snap lock into a 9.5 ±0.8 square hole, panel thickness 0.8-2mm [0.031-0.079]
Flat Tie Cable Holder will snap lock into a 9.5 ±0.08 [0.374-0.003] square hole, panel thickness 0.8-2mm [0.031-0.079]
Optical Fibre Network Saddle will snap lock into a ?9.5 ±0.08 [0.374-0.003] hole, panel thickness 0.8-2mm [0.031-0.079]
Optical Fibre Rack bracket requires a 9.5 ±0.08 [0.374-0.003] square hole, panel thickness 1.6-2mm [0.063-0.079]